
He quickly saw a need to ensure the survival of the club by to moving the games to cyberspace. Now as many know, Bridge Clubs have many members from the older generation not prone to change. Well Lane proved with leadership, common sense, and many phone calls he could move the players online. They now have 3 games a week and average close to 50 players a game at this time. I would not be surprised if they are now buying X-boxes and competing against their Grandchildren in all the various adventure games.

I would be remiss to not to mention Lew Crippen the God Father of Bridge Lakeside. His leadership at the Unit level has made many at the club what they are today and many better people with the ability to see beyond themselves to the many other important things that need to be done in our local area.

If you are home quarantined and bored. Contact Lane through the Bridge Club Web Page ( or our Facebook page and get involved in a great game with an incredible group of people. Cruz Roja thanks them for donating 10,750 pesos. Which will be put to good use.