


By Colleen Beery, Cruz Roja Volunteer Instructor


Think about these scenarios …

You fall and injure yourself badly at home. You call Cruz Roja (or 911) for help. Where would the EMTs find your medical information (such as current medications and conditions) so that they would know how to correctly treat you? 

You are in a car accident, or you collapse on the street (at a friend’s, in a store, or anywhere outside your home). Where would anyone find your vital medical information? 


The Cruz Roja Chapala invites you to become better prepared for a medical emergency. In 2013, the Cruz Roja in Chapala, with the help of Dr. Sam Thelin, CRIVC (Cruz Roja International Volunteers Chapala), and a team of local medical professionals, created a Medical Information Kit that could very well save your life. In 2019 this kit was updated and improved to meet the needs of expats and locals alike. For a mere 50 pesos, and an hour of your time at a workshop near you, you could go home with:


Cruz Roja Medical Information Kit Workshops are held at the Lake Chapala Society, as well as by request for local social, religious, and neighborhood groups. Workshops can be held in either English or Spanish, depending on the need.  For more information about the kit, to schedule a special workshop for your group, please email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.